chevron_rightDay 1: Mind
chevron_rightDay 2: Heart
chevron_rightDay 3: Body
chevron_rightDay 4: Home
chevron_rightDay 5: Relationships
chevron_rightDay 6: Work
chevron_rightDay 7: World
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Hello. I am seeking clarity and confidence – the ability to recognise and follow my intuition to make the best choices and decisions in life. I hope that my practice will be a guiding light and set a good example in other people’s lives.
Hello I’m Louise from Montreal Canada, my goal is to be more at peace with myself and others around me. Namaste
Hi everyone,
My intention is to surrender to the things in life I have no control over and trust the process of letting go. ❤️️
Yes, I learn to stay present during my work at the computer, and making and eating my meal, etc.
Hallo Tjitske,
Leuk, zo maar een Friese naam te zien staan. Zelf ben ik Friezin en woon in Friesland.
Dat we allemaal in een steeds grotere cirkel van aandacht mogen uitbreiden en groeien.
Groetnis, Anton en Hebel
Hi! I’m Rahul and I’m from India. My intention for this week is to find myself again, find happiness, love and joy by just being present and mindful in the moment. I am really grateful for this opportunity to be part of the Mindful Living Week.
An awareness to a quiet mind
Hello, I am Jigme Dorji from Bhutan. My objective is to learn to lead a mindful way of life.
Hi everyone – I am Larry living in Alexandria Virginia. The most recent past several months have been very challenging. My intention is to use this week as a mindful transition into letting all that go and welcoming what comes next.
Hi, Jim from Montana. My intention is to work on being a more engaged listener when people are speaking to me. I also intend to increase my self-discipline in choosing what I eat and drink. I feel honored to be in this group.
Hi – Matt from New York State – My intention is to allow myself to see my own beauty and from that point to begin to be ok in the present moment.
My name is Victoria from Colorado. I’m hoping to find clarity this week.
I live in St. John’s, Newfoundland, a province of Canada but as one interested in meditation I am from a global community quietly transforming the world. I am a senior who takes seriously the comment by H. H. The Dali Lama when he says that if every 8 yr old were taught mindfulness practice in a very few years we could end war on our planet. I am starting with me, my children and my grand children. Thank-you for helping me. Blessings on you!
Hi I’m Elaine from cape cod. My intention is to enliven my attention to my life. I will especially attend to this manifesting in my personal surroundings and my eating
Greetings all,
I am John from Olympia, Washington. My intention is to gain a more solid hold on my ability to remain present in my life. To unhitch the robotic, unthinking way I perform my everyday tasks, and to establish a more loving relationship with my spouse. Huzzah!
I am Kathryn, and I live in a northern suburb of NYC. My intention is to make daily meditation a habit.
Hello, my name is Holly. My goal for this week is to move toward selflessness with more caring for all and a happy openness to life. I think all the are kind of the same goal because to achieve one means a manifestation of all three. Love.
I’m Carol — from Johnson City, Tennessee. My intention is to open up and to connect with others ~ ??
My intention is to be kind to myself at a time of great sadness and grief. Maree
Sending you love
Calm Abiding
My intention is to grow in equanimity. It is something I struggle with constantly. I just finished listening to Dr. Rick Hanson, and am thinking this is a very good start for me, and will incorporate these wise words into my life today.
Nikki from Portland here. My big intention is clarity and wisdom. My smaller intention for this week is to connect more firmly to my sense of self and the present moment.
Hello, I’m Betsy from Columbus, OH. My intention is to commit to a daily practice through discipline.
Thank you to all who have made this Mindful Week possible! I am so grateful for this opportunity.
I’m Natalie from NYC now living in Baltimore. I am hoping to build compassion and kindness to myself and others as I develop a steady mindfulness practice each day. I look forward to learning from you all.
Hi- Annie from VT- I am hoping to better my practice and find a way to develop a consistent practice – each and everyday. And I hope to find some self-compassion.
Hi. I am Elena. I am really excited about this event.
My intention is to find out more about mindfulness and how it is applied to everyday living
Hi – Paul – I live in Switzerland. My intention is to make daily meditation a habit
Hi, I’m Kim from New Zealand. Many thanks for providing interesting and helpful info and practices. I’m intending to increase my awareness and attention in day to day activities, and find more joy and connection.
Hi – I’m Teresa from Olympia WA and my intention is to continue to settle ever more deeply into the truth of my being and the next phase of my journey into mindful living.
Soften and Expand
I am entering this week of mindfulness with my daughter. My intention is to deepen my meditation practice and to be there for her as I know she will be there for me.
Hi Beautiful Souls,
I am from Florida USA. My intension is to slow down and be aware in every moment.
To re-establish a connection to the practice and teachings so i can be helpful to the people on my life who are in great pain.
Hi, this is Mari from Northern California. My intention is to use this week to get back to the mat on a regular basis.
Hello. I’m Song. I’m happy to have this opportunity to grow and do some self care. Slowing down and experiencing moments, connecting…the stuff that matters before I die.
Hello, I am Sarah from Cape Cod. I would really like to come back in to focus on big and small pictures things.
My intention is to get rid of my retirement depression and procrastination.
Warm greetings from East Boothbay, Maine. My intention is to delve more deeply into loving awareness in every moment. Abiding in the grace of spiritual awakening. Becoming a beacon of loving kindness and compassionate wisdom for all beings. A tiny helper/aid to Avalokiteshvara.
Hello. I’m Emma, from England. Intending to move from the outer to the inner, reconnecting, to give back to the outer…
My name is Jane, from Los Altos , California.. My intention is to focus on my well being (both spiritual and physical) as I experience the grief of losing my beloved husband of 50 years.
So sorry for your loss Jane . May you find peace and solace in the days and weeks to come. I can’t imagine how difficult your situation . Be well dear friend and may you benefit from these practices.
Hi everyone,
Inspired by Jaki. Thank you.
‘My intention is to surrender to the things in life I have no control over and trust the process of letting go.’
Watched Rick Hanson for day one but how do we access the other three speakers for day one?
Hi Faye! I am also having difficulty accessing the rest of Day 1 sessions. Hope we can find out soon,
I want to deepen my knowledge of Mindfulness and how to apply it in our everyday life.
I live in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Montana. I’m growing a sense of harmony with life within my own body.
Hi – I am focussing on practicing gratitude for what I have, and letting go of wanting.
Okay..we jumped the gun…have to wait until tonight!
My name is Cindy from No. California, currently studying in a 2 year program in Dharamsala , India under the guidance of a Tibetan Lama and the Dalai Lama. My intention is to improve mindfulness and joyous effort towards promoting inner happiness and peace for all beings.
I am from India. I lived in Hawaii since 1962.
Now I am in Iowa splitting my time between Hawaii and Iowa.
I am here to spend time with my son and grand daughter.
My intention is to deepen mindful living.
Hello everyone, I’m Shawn (a woman) From Oakland, CA. My intention is to take this time to believe in myself and learn to be more compassionate with myself and others. My usual way of being is to skip over the surface of life, tune out, and be hard on myself and everyone else. I will slow down with this course, care more, and invest in a more mindful way of being.
My name is Carol, and I live in New York. My intention is to develop greater daily mindfulness and to become proficient in single pointed meditation.
Hi Im Jacquie from Scotland. My intention is loving kindness to self and others.
Hi All,
Tess from Bend, Oregon. My intention is compassion for others and self-compassion.
My name isMary and I live in Las Cruces, New Mexico. My intention is to learn to be present.
My name is Wolfqang im interested about the different teachers
my name is denise….i’m hoping this week will help as i transition out of the military and find my way home
Hi my name is Yvonne from Amsterdam, My intention for this week is to learn from the meditation teachers and to become mindful again. I watch the welcome video and find Susan great. Simple but powerful. Thank you so much.
Let go and let God
My name is Cathy and I’m from New Haven, CT. My intention is to work at being more mindful especially when I’m eating.
To care for myself and others…. to challenge norms… to develop conscious and unconscious competence with mindfully communicating in relationship to myself and others…
I am Teri from Berkeley and my intention is to to be able to be more present to what is, listen more deeply, and remember to go to bed and get sleep.
I am Crystal from Wyoming and my intention is to find peace within myself and with who I am.
I’m David in Ventura, California. My intention is to steady, deepen, and spread my practice to be more present for my life, my loved ones, humanity, and the biosphere … kinda big and vague, I know, but I hope this general approach will help sustain my journey(s).
Hello, I’m Terre in San Francisco. My intention is to take focused action in my work.
Hi my name is Debbie. My goal is to make the time
I am Laura from Davis,CA. My intention is to increase my awareness of joy and vitality.
Hi I’m Lynn from Bend Oregon and my intention is to “try and let go and smile even when I am right”
love this… good luck! 😉
Hullo to all, I am Peggi from Cape Town, South Africa, my aim? to be the best person I can be.
Self care and letting go of what I cannot control.
Mi intention is to keep myself open and to trust what it is
Hello. I’m from Calgary, Alberta. My intention is to decrease physical pain and negative thinking and to increase ability to cope with stress and positive thinking.
Hi I’m Cindy and I live in California, USA. My intention for this practice is to re-center after several months of changes and rapid pivots. I want to settle back into presence.
My name is Jackie and I am currently in Wisconsin. My intention for the week is to remain present for these teachings and find ways to incorporate love into my worldview and my life.
Sara, May 14, 2018, 12.43 pm
Hello everyone. Thank you for this opportunity. My intention is to develop greater forgiveness and compassion for all beings and self; more consistent mindfulness and meditation practices; and be completely present “now.”
I’m Holly from San Diego, California. My intention for this week is to be more mindful.
Sara, May 14, 2018
Forgot to mention from Woodbury, New Jersey. Namaste
Hello. I am Barbara from Illinois. I intend to become more engaged in the present, letting go as I go.
I am in Moscow Idaho. My objective is to find myself inside the caos of living. Peacefulness.
Hello Dear Ones,
I am Barb from Evanston, IL. I am setting the intention of courage…to let be, to let go.
Hi, I’m Lucinda, from Cape Town and my intention is to refocus and find balance again in all aspects of my life. To learn to let go of things that are not in my control and to move forward with a renewed sense of love and light in my heart.
I am Mary, from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. My intention is to develop equanimity and balance.
Hello, I’m Nora from upstate New York. My intention is to develop attentiveness or awareness – to stay focused in the present moment. I am grateful to this opportunity to learn and to practice with these teachers and share with on-line community,. Thank you.
Carol from Bridgton, Maine here.Thank you all for being…Namaste.
Hello, I’m Jennifer from Rhode Island. My intention is to relax more into the flow of life.
Hi, I’m joy from New Zealand. I’ve buzzed around in jobs my whole life. Currently I am training up a new girl after 3 years in a really great role. Moving forward my intention is to slow down, tune in and help others overcome anxiety as a life coach. The timing for this is perfect. Thankyou
Hi, I am Anthea from Cape Town, South Africa, and my intention is to pay attention to my thoughts and to not react to my thoughts as if they are my reality …to pay attention to where in my body i may experience any form of discomfort as a result of my thoughts … to bring awareness to myself and my experiences. My intention is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable … and to just be with it … nothing to fix…just to be aware …
Greetings, I’m Cosette from Florida. My intention is two fold … to establish a daily meditation practice and bring mindfulness into my life and relationships.
Hi I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. I currently live in Wyoming. I would like to find more tools for finding mindfulness and calm throughout my days.
Kia ora from Cathee in New Zealand. My intention is to focus on returning to the present moment and practising loving kindness
Looking for clarity
Karen here from Vancouver, Canada. My intention is focused on taking mindfulness off the cushion and brining it more into my daily life. Along side learning from all these wonderful and inspirational teachers??
Hello we are gg & james, mother and daughter from Massachusetts. We are practicing with all of you this week in the hopes that we can both learn and contribute to the positive energy of collective meditation.
To see beauty, love and joy in the world again.
I thought there would be snacks, but I stayed for the sustenance.
Hello, my name is Bonnie from Vancouver, Canada. My intension here is to relax and to be more compassion toward myself and others.
Start a regular daily practice
Evelyn from Florida
Patience , Pause
I seem to lack the capacity to be completely engaged in what ever endeavor I am pursuing: in other words, to be present at all times. I’m constantly thinking about the next task I have to do, or the next person I have to speak to. I want to break this syndrome, and have been trying for a long time without a great deal of success. I’m hoping this course will break that pattern. I would like to drink in every experience: to fully absorb it, whether it is extremely pleasurable or very difficult.
Kia ora koutou, Vivo from New Zealand. Focus, clarity, self-discipline by training my attention in my thoughts, emotions and behaviours