chevron_rightDay 1: Mind
chevron_rightDay 2: Heart
chevron_rightDay 3: Body
chevron_rightDay 4: Home
chevron_rightDay 5: Relationships
chevron_rightDay 6: Work
chevron_rightDay 7: World
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Click Here for Day 2 Videos
Click Here for Day 3 Videos
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Click Here for Day 6 Videos
Click Here for Day 7 Videos
Kath from Denver, Colorado. Looking forward very much to this week.
Susie from West Sussex, England – looking forward to this week too : )
Violette from France, curious
Tracy from Maryland – Looking forward to this life changing and life enhancing journey.
Getting ready to move cross country. This meditation week came at a perfect time! Thanks so much!
Teri from California. Lots of challenges in my life right now, including a small stroke 3 weeks ago, so Iām looking forward to rebuilding a calm center.
Viki from Brisbane, Australia. Looking forward to connecting with wisdom, cultivating compassion, gratitude and awareness. Researching wellbeing at the moment and would like to awaken further insights about how to integrate all this with wellbeing .
Jane from Massachusetts-Looking forward to sharing in this wisdom and learning how to grow mindfulness-practice
Greg from Victoria B.C. says hello to all. My purpose is to continue on my healing journey, and I wish you all success with yours.
Marie-Josee from Montreal. Curious and always grateful to meet a new mindful community .
Emily from Australia- thank you am looking forward to the next week!
Loretta from Colorado. Hoping to find some calm and inner peace. Let the journey begin!
Tania from Sydney, Australia – looking forward to an opportunity to refresh my practice in a great company and with fantastic teachers!
Angel from California. Want to deepen my Zen practice.
Lisa from Taranaki, New Zealand – I am super excited about spending some time being mindful, I especially enjoy practicing compassion and being present so that my mind is clear and I can focus on the rest of my day with clarity – bring it on š
Linda from Redwood Meadows, Alberta, Canada. Hello to all. I’m excited to learn more about mindfulness and use it more often to calm my restless mind.
Lynda from Evergreen Colorado; Interested in hearing more from the wonderful list of teachers.
Cecilia from Arizona. Appreciative for this opportunity.
Thank you for offering this series. My intention is to learn and take in what is presented and use this learned awareness to be of service.
I am from Mexico City. I’ve practised Bhuddist meditation. I want to go deeper and try to reach higher states of consciousness. It is always inspiring for me to be able to participate in this mindful community and be able to receive teachings from great teachers.
Alan from Phoenix Arizona. Looking forward to a week of learning
Jessica from California. In the process of making major life changes – humbly setting the intention of living a more authentic life.
Hey! I am John from Nairobi Kenya. I expect to learn more about mindfulness meditation and its application in different aspects of my life.
Esther from British Columbia. I have taken the Foundations of Well-Being course, but still have trouble being present to my life as consistently as I would like. The extra teaching and practice are welcome.
I’m Carolyn and live in Massachusetts (though I’m from Colorado in a deep sense). I need a jump start to get back to mindfulness in all aspects of living, to bring me back to the present moment free from craving (I wish I still lived in Colorado) and aversion (I really really d not want to clean up the kitchen) — e.g. things that keep me from being happy and taking in the good that is all around me and within me. I enter this week with a greater intention to be mindful of my body, to listen to what my body really needs and wants, without craving. Peace in my body and Peace in my mind are so interdependent, and when I ignore this, or relate to these in a delusional way, I lose the connection to my,heart — especially loving kindness toward myself. I’m a bit anxious about making this commitment, because there are appointments, commitments, an older dog to walk, husehld chores I dislike, etc., and I think I need a silent retreat center to do this week of mindfulness with the greatest benefit. But this program is t asking us to shut off the phone and ignore the doorbell and stay away from daily commitments. That makes it a big challenge. Does anyone else feel this way?
Hi Carolyn,
I can relate to the majority of what you shared so well here – thank you. I moved from California to Georgia earlier this year and Iām a Californian Girl and if Iām abusing my body with food it definitely affects my capacity for kindness and the person I become. I have been wanting to start some sort of meditation practice since moving here. Letās allow this to be the guidance and support we need! Good luck! You got this!
Hi I am Robyn from Queensland Australia . I purchased the wellbeing
course ages ago but have done very little . Maybe this will kick start me !
I am from Denmark. Looking forward to this fantastic opportunity!
Jo from Washington State. Looking forward to developing my own mindfulness practice further in the company of those who are likewise interested. My goal is to learn to be more present for others as well as for myself, in every moment of every interaction.
Anton and Hebel from Holland.
Anton: my intention this week is to learn to keep my focus.
Hebel: my intention is to evermore grow in being mindfully aware and return again and again to my inner purpose of being.
Hallo, Elsabe from Dublin Ireland. I hope to enhance my practice and learn more about mindful living.
Hi. I’m Jane from Australia. Very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you.
So looking forward to the next week. I have just become aware of ‘mindfulness’ and, so far, feel it is precisely what my life has been missing.
Forgot to mention, I am a Dubliner living in London for past 38 years.
Looking forward to being here with you all and a part of this community. My ongoing intention is my mindfully working towards work life balance.
Thanks for putting it together. My intention is : Depth
Carmen from Australia. My intention is to become more mindful in my everyday living so that I can wisely respond rather emotionally react to situations and people. I would also like to practise more self-compassion.
Ćngeles, from Spain.
FOCUS is my intencion
Greetings and Best Wishes, from heart to heart
I look forward to learning from the teachers and group. Thanks for putting this interactive forum. I have an intention to learn more patience and loving kindness towards myself during a time with a very sick husband and managing balance and well being during this challenging time.
Chris from Virginia, Greetings and peace to all. I look to experience more joy!
Iām from Minneapolis. So glad to be hear! My intention is PAUSE.
I am from the Netherlands, my intention is to develop more flexibility in my mental attitude.
I am from Colombia, South America! My intention is to be present during all the conferences and practise whatever I learn here in my daily life.
Toronto Paul, compassionate compliance!
I am Maria recently moves from Northern California to Georgia. My intention is Peace.
I am Maria recently moved from Northern California to Georgia. My intention is Peace.
Hi, i am Annemarie from the netherlands. My intentions are dedication and self- compassion. Wish you all a fulfilling week.
Patti from Central NY living in VA. My intention is clarity.
Kati from Budapest, Mexico, California and now Dallas. My intention is to be present to what is!
Julie from Georgia. My intention is to have courage …and be kind.
A warm hello from Bea, another citizen on planet earth currently living in Paris. My fuel cells are built out of compassion, love, joy and gratitude – so I am looking forward to further charge my batteries and be enlightened this coming week.Thank you all.
Hello! Iām Sue from Australia and I am looking forward to immersing myself into this week of mindfulness practice. My focus is to put aside some special time for myself, to look after myself so that I can engage more fully in my life.
am from Montreal i want to bring more active to bring generosity around me
Hi, My name is Donna. I look forward to becoming more mindful.
Hi, I am Kim from New York City (and originally South Africa). I hope to find a deeper sense of calm and improved intuition through this practice. At this time, I am exploring ways to transition out of my role as a head teacher at the elementary school level while staying in the field of education. This is at once exciting and scary.
Nae from Idaho- Intention is growth and clarity.
Kees Peters from The Netherlands and I am curious Ć”nd glad for these teachings wich I hope to share with my “Academie voor Open Bewustzijn”, guiding mindful coaches.
Dublin Deborah with the intention of being less self-critical.
Stephen from up at Shambhala Mtn Center, here for 4 weeks volunteering, setting up tents 4 the summer. Sometimes hard to make it to the funky old staff computer, but I intend to be with y’all as much as I can. Enthused.
Hi Iām vicki from Australia.
I want to immerse myself into mindfulness practice to become as mindful as I can in each moment of each day. My intention for this practice to build on my curiosity and my persistence.
.Hi there! I am Riki from Ontario, Canada. I am so grateful for this summit! I am looking forward to learning new ways to be mindful and to take my practice up a level. Thanks so much for putting this together for us all to share.
MY name is Maggie. I want more love in my life.
Participating from Michigan. My intention for the week is to bring optimism and joy in my interactions with others.
Hi, I’m Nicole from Quebec, . I expect to be a better listener to miself and others. Thank !
Tricia from Frankfurt.
My intention is to learn to pay attention.
Lise from Oregon. My intention is to learn as much as I can to and deepen my meditation practice.and apply mindfulness more to my life.
from the Bay Area in California – traveling north this week and looking forward to bringing these teachings with me. My intention is to bring love and appreciation to the present moments and people I meet in northern california.
Ashley from Texas – My intention for this week is non-reactive, compassionate awareness of my emotions and thoughts.
Gill from Massachusetts. My intention is to begin the journey towards greater inner peace and contentment.
Sarah from Carbondale, IL. My intention is focused on trust in love.
Carol from British Columbia. My intention is to develop and deepen a sense of calm.
Elisabeth from Sacramento California. So exciting to connect with people from all over the world !!!!
This is perfect timing. I am doing an at home retreat over the next few days as part of an Intensive Practice Program at UCLA and will incorporate this program.
Hi, my intention for the week is to focus on bringiging mindfulness and some routine to day to day house work….
Hi. I’m Julie from Berkeley CA. Tomorrow I’ll be on the St Lawrence river in upstate NY. My intention is calm, clarity, increased presence and a deep appreciation of the beauty around me.
Hi, I’m Emma, from UK, living in Costa Rica. I am setting the intention to bring my presence to my life.
Thank you!
Christie from Calgary, Alberta, Canada — I’m curious about whether or not this will feel like an add on burden, another “must do” or if it will be a good lift offering new perspectives. My intention would be to make the most of it whatever it might be!
Angela from San Francisco CA. My intention is to be more mindfulness and understand people.
Joan from Maryland; loving acceptance
Loving kindness
Hello, If there are others from the CA Bay Area who want to get together, let me know and I’ll try and arrange something after the summit is over. It would be great to process it with like minded people.
Svelte from Portland. My intension this week is to Have Faith
Anne from Canada. Iāve heard many descriptions on hoe to meditate or the intension of meditation. This is one of the best Iāve heard. Thank you š
Blessings and love to all.
Ruth from California. Joy and connection.
My intention is to help end suffering, or at least our understanding about it. Also to bring love and acceptance to many.
Accepting without judment.
Peter from Ohio – I’m looking forward to developing more positive effects of my speech and activities on others.
Thank you for this opportunity to learn about Mindfulness and to practice it. I have felt the benefits – when I’ve been practicing mindfulness I don’t get cross so quickly, I’m more aware of when I interrupt someone, more aware of not paying non judgemental attention to who I’m with. I want to improve my relationships and I know that practicing meditation and mindfulness will be valuable.
I’m Rivka from Jerusalem – would like to practice how to put mindfulness into my daily life.
My intention this week is loving courage. Cheers to all of you!
Stand in My Power
Gabriela from Buenos Aires. My intention is to irradiate love through presence in the heart. Thank you
Crina from Bucharest. Courage.
Adela from Tucson, AZ. Greetings! My intention this week is open-heartedness.
My intention is to find freedom from fear and a to have a successful health journey.
Lisa in Fort Worth, Texas. My intent is to embrace change without judgment.
Hi, Sharon from Nanaimo, BC. My intention is to be true to myself and explore what that means.
Michele from San Francisco Bay Area. My intention is to create more sustainable energy in my life.
Muriel from Leicester UK. I want total cous on the moment.
Muriel from Leicester UK I want to focus on every moment
Avis from Menlo Park, Ca. Looking forward to where this week may bring me in continuing my practice of being a calm, caring, quiet witness to my life.
From Tucson, Arizona. My intention is commitment to practice.
Cheryl in Lilburn Georgia. My intention is to deepen my practice.
Victoria from Nevada – my intention:
Practicing self compassion
Jamie from Marblehead, Ohio. My intention is to cultivate compassion within and without.