chevron_rightDay 1: Mind
chevron_rightDay 2: Heart
chevron_rightDay 3: Body
chevron_rightDay 4: Home
chevron_rightDay 5: Relationships
chevron_rightDay 6: Work
chevron_rightDay 7: World
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Click Here for Day 2 Videos
Click Here for Day 3 Videos
Click Here for Day 4 Videos
Click Here for Day 5 Videos
Click Here for Day 6 Videos
Click Here for Day 7 Videos
Hi all, I’m Edina from Florida. My intention is to continue to deepen my practice and not measure myself in terms of productivity and goals, but rather to relax in knowing that I’m exactly where I need to be for now. Kindness, compassion and service to loved ones IS important and enough. It’s not about me. Thank you for the opportunity to listen, learn & practice together!
such wonderful words – thank you for sharing Edina – love and light Leatham
My intention for the week is to approach life with an open heart and to look after it well in the process. I’m from Scotland 🙂
So grateful for all the kindness that goes into this summit…
My intention is to use this opportunity to strength my daily meditation practice. I’m from Florida and I’m appreciative of this opportunity.
I also am from Florida and my intention is to watch my restless mind and let go and become peaceful since all thoughts are truly empty.
Hello, I’m Pascale and I live in a small town between beech wood hills and the Thames river, between London and Oxford, England.
I am looking forward to dedicating a little more time and attention than usual this week on my mindfulness practices. I usually manage at least one per day of either formal meditating (Vipassana or Shamatha), mindful walking, mindful movement (Thich Nhat Hanh’s 20min sequence), or listening to a Dharma talk on Dharmaseed.
Thank you to the organisers for putting this weeklong programme together for us, and for making it freely available.
I received notification of this opportunity after completing the Path of Freedom training. I found that having a weekly Dharma based activity in addition to my daily meditation practice was very helpful in keeping the Dharma close, so I am looking forward to this week!
My name is Cecelia. My intention is to be here for the life I have.
I am Dorothy, from New Zealand. For the next 2 weeks, I have space in my life with few scheduled events. My intention is to spend part of those 2 weeks paying attention, focussing on the here and now, and developing some simple daily routines that will stay in my life after this quiet time is over. Attention while delibertatly sitting is one thing, but attention to and in the rush of life is much harder for me.
I’m from Manitoba. My intention for the week is mindful self love.
My name is Denise. I work with children, teens, and families to teach skills to strengthen their skills in many areas. One which is stress reduction . I need to share what Is true for me.I have been a social worker for over thirty years and have dealt personally with loss even tragedy. I use mindfulness to survive and continue to learn. I plan to develop programs that are seen as pragmatic, without side effects, and cost free for my area schools. Of course , Any ideas you have I want to have. share the wisdom. Thank you. Denise
Lovely and I can relate as a social worker in Toronto working with marginalized young people. You do important work.
I’m from Oak Park, Illinois. My intention is to deepen my existing mindfulness and meditation practices.
Hi! I’m a middle school special education teacher in Milwaukee WI, and as this very challenging school year winds down I find I am acting and reacting like I am on autopilot. My intention for this week is to stay engaged with and aware of everyone and everything around me while finding the peace in all of the chaos.
From Boulder, CO; a K-8 teacher. My intention is to further a sense of opening to and joyousness in life, toward letting go in any and all moment(s)
Hello I am Ross from Chicago.
My intention is to deepen my practice and open my heart. I want to learn to get out of my own head.
Great intention Ross and I trust you enjoy the experience!
Hi I’m Cindy from Durham, North Carolina. Perfect timing for me as I’ve been wanting to jumpstart my meditation practice and this came at the best time. Thank you.
Hi Cindy. I live in Greensboro North Carolina. I frequently come to Durham to Duke Integrative Medicine for their classes on Mindfulness and retreats. Do you practice with a Sangha? Would love to hear from you. Marilyn
My name is Sandra. I am part of our Sangha’s leader group in Canada. My intention is always to deepen my practice.
hello everyone…I’m Laura in NYC. My intention is to remain true to the kindness, acceptance and generosity within me when I deal with others and to have the discipline to honor the artistic gifts that I’m here to share.
My intention is to learn more to deepen my daily practice. My life has changed in wonderful ways since I committed to my practice years ago. Namaste’
My intention is to be mindful that I am more than my body, my mind and my thoughts!
My name is Myrna, a very senior citizen. I am participating to deepen my practice. Please remind your teachers that there those among us who are hearing impaired. I would like to listen rather than closed captioning.
Hello, my name is Marilyn. I live in North Carolina. I have been practicing Mindfulness for three years and I would like to get off my cushion and spread it to others. It has improved my well being and peace of mind. Looking forward to connecting with you.
My intention is to be with present awareness throughout the day. I hope to ground myself more and become more aware of those around me and my surroundings. And to increase my ability to focus on what is at hand.
Hello, I am tree, from Southern California. My intention is to enjoy new ways of deepening my spiritual practice.
I teach mindfulness in my school district as an occupational therapist so I am looking forward to these presentations. My intention is to continue to gain new strategies to remind myself to “be” in the present moment and also things that I can share with teachers and students. Thanks so much!!
Hi Mariann,
I will be teaching mindfulness to my students this year. I am curious to know,if you have a specific curriculum, how often you teach it, and how much time is set aside for each lesson. My email is if that’s easier 🙂
Thank you so much for any insight and guidance!
I’m from Oregon and My intention is to practice calmness especially when frustrating things like this happen: I’m not able to access the first day videos even after watching the welcome video and the Day 1 challenge
I am having the same problem accessing the other videos. Are you using an iPad? I wonder if Safari is the problem? I too am looking to bring calmness to frustrating situations. Good luck!
Hi everyone, I’m participating from my home in central California and am looking forward to help in deepening my practice.
Thank you. I hope I can pass this wisdom on as well as you have tonight.Denise
I have registered and cannot access the speakers
My name is Judy from Portland Oregon. My intention is to be the best support for my ill daughter that I can with the help of mindful living and maybe dying
we are a retired couple – Jim wants to be open to mindfulness and breathing, focus on the breath. Diana wants to deepen sense of presence, centeredness on and off the meditation cushion!
My intention is to better incorporate mindfulness into my daily life. I have been meditating almost daily for about a year, but feel the need to work on bringing mindfulness more and more into everyday life.
I’m Janet in Chicago. I look forward to this week in May every year, and each year, I’m at a slightly different place in my practice and my understanding.
Greetings from Redondo Beach, California. My intention is to relax. Appreciation and love, Candace
Volume was way to low on intro. meditation. I could easily hear the challenge at 68% butt barely here the intro mediation at 100%. Avoiding this distraction was difficult. Please add volume control not just mute/ unmute. Other wise she was good.
My intention is to increase my attention throughout each day.
Good Evening!
Looking forward to this week with all of you. I’m participating from Central Illinois. I am always working on finding the moment of mindful awareness. I will be practicing during these sessions and plan to find some balance during stressful events.
Thank you for your gift of time, knowledge and guidance.
Hello Kevin is my name, and my attention is to become more present, aware,and learn how to live my life in the moment !!
Hello all!
I’m Michael from Chicago. So happy to be with everyone here.
My intention is to simply bring more mindfulness in to my every day life. 🙂
I am from Québec, my intention is to be more present each day.
I am from Denver, CO. I am seeking happiness and fulfillment wand being present as I am often too hard on myself, I want to notice and remember more in all of my experiences.
I am from Chile. My intention for this week is to practice being present, with an open heart and loving kindness towards myself and others. Thank you for this opportunity.
Hello, I am from Canada. I am the caregiver for my 83 year old husband who has Parkinsons. My intention for the week is to deepen my acceptance of what is and let go of expectations. So glad to be able to tune in! Thank you.
My intention is to lighten up with myself, my family and the world by being more human and less of a perfectionist.
I live in the state of GA.
Hi my name is Patty. My intention for this week is to actually take the time and make the space in my days to meditate more.
Hi, My name is Ellie. My intention is to not loose sight of living in the moment always.
Hi my name is Jiana. I am from Muskoka Ontario Canada. My intention is to show up and be open and relax into life. Namaste
I’m committed to relearning mindfulness this week so I can surrender from what I think I’ve mastered in order to be more open to what I can continue to learn. I study, teach, and practice self-awareness in various forms but I’m hopeful that mastering the art of mindfulness will guide me to self actualization.
Hi everyone, I’m Sammy from Tennessee. Edina put it perfectly, for me…. couldn’t say it better if I tried.
“Hi all, I’m Edina from Florida. My intention is to continue to deepen my practice and not measure myself in terms of productivity and goals, but rather to relax in knowing that I’m exactly where I need to be for now. Kindness, compassion and service to loved ones IS important and enough. It’s not about me. Thank you for the opportunity to listen, learn & practice together!”
Hi all – it’s Joan here from Santa Fe,NM, USA
I have been in bed for six months with Osteomyelitis and Sciatica. My practice has beeen so important during this difficult time. The end is in sight. My intention is to continue to awaken.
Hello all- I enjoyed the first day or mindfulness week. I get my daily meditation in every day but I am hoping to fit in twice a day as I know the benefits of the practice . Being more present and at peace in the chaos of work is my goal. Enjoy all. Carol from New Jersey.
Hi! The guided meditation was delicious! I loved how she put it into words like “gates to communicate with our world” “notice your own silence” “feel the breath” Thank you so much!
I did the challenge and can t access the summit 🙁
Me too! Videos won’t play. Did you figure it out??
My intention this week is to take those temple bell moments and sink into training my brain how it feels to focus and I intend to use moments in my day to focus on listening to my world
My name is Claudia and I am a high school teacher working with refugees and undocumented students. I’m here to remind myself of what is important and to stay anchored in reality, so despair and hopelessness do not take over my life.
My name is Bafrbara, I am from Argentina, and my int4ention is to grow in every sense and specially to cultivate joy for myself and everybody else who sorrunds me.
I am Aubrey from Idaho. I’ve been meditating for 7 months now and love the changes I’ve seen through my journey. I am here to continue to learn about meditation and deepen my practice.
Thank you for offering the opportunity to listen and learn!
Hello everyone, Julie here, in Cornwall UK. My intention is to strengthen my meditation practise and spend more time ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’. Thanks to all who have made this summit possible.
hello everybody! I am Isabel from Barcelona. I have tried to meditate for some time and I would like to achieve some control of my life and be a better person both for myself and for those around me..
Hello, I am from London. This week my intention is to gently strike the balance between serving other & self. Thank you for this course.
Hello I am Candy in Maryland. My intention is is to use these opportunities to focus on my meditation practice. I want to live more in the present and focus on relationship with myself and others .
Hi. Christine from Michigan (US). My intention is to continue to grow my novice mindfulness skills and work on acceptance.
Hi I am Monica From Rome, my intention is to continue to belive in love and kindness and my inner power of being here and now exactly how it is…freedom between each thought and intention as well
I am from Jacksonville, Florida. My intention is to further my practice so that I can be a living example to my students as I begin to teach them the practice.
Hi everyone,
My intention this week is to be as open minded as possible and take in all the wisdom with clarity and understanding, then incorporate in my daily life.
Hi everyone,
My intention this week is to be as open minded as possible and take in all the wisdom with clarity and understanding, then incorporate in my daily life.
Hi everyone,
My intention this week is to be as open minded as possible and take in all the wisdom with clarity and understanding, then incorporate in my daily life.
I come from Burundi, I want to be important to my entourage
I am Manpreet from India. First I would like to thank the organisers for providing this opportunity to learn and practice mindfulness.
My intention this week is to deepen and strengthen my nascent dharma practice of wisdom and compassion.
Hello everyone! I am Anita from Toronto. I have been practicing meditation for the ladt 35 years on a mantra. However, I would like to bring mindfulness iinto my daily life routine more than I have been able to. Thankyou for sharing your time & knowledge .
Hello everyone, I am Martina from Germany and I live in beautiful Austria. My intention is to get started with practising meditation and mindfulness. I want to learn to focus on the positive and important things in life, so that I am able to handle my everyday struggle with depression in a better way. I think that this mindful week will be a good help for me. And i am grateful to be able to join in. Thank you for this opportunity! 🙂
My intention is to reconnect with me, relax and just enjoy each day,
Hello Everyone. My name is Susan from Connecticut. My intention is to grow. So that I may be a positive force for others while I deepen the understanding that each moment is a chance to be fully present. I wish that for each of you. Namaste.
I’m from Southaven, MS and my intention is to find new ways to be mindful in my own life and to share those with others.
My Name is Cynthia Elizabeth Lavin and I am from Deerfield, IL outside of Chicago.
It is my intention to be present, focused and engaged. It is my intention to see the miracle and wonder in life as well as to awaken my other senses of sound, smell, taste and feel. I love the strength and softness within me and it is my intention to honor both and be my authentic self. Thank you!
I am excited for this week—- BUT I cannot access the later day 1 video- only the intention practice. I have tried the menu but to no avail.
I am Ki from Sweden.
My intention for this weekend is to reconnect with my inner joy, peace and hope. I am letting thoughts and feelings rest from the stress of job searching.
Hi.I’m Cheryl from Prescott, Arizona.
My intention is to be my life in every moment and love what arises in compassion ans openheartedness.
Hello, my name is Julie. My intention is to reinvigorate a meditation practice that has grown dormant as a new phase of life centered around caring for my aging parents begins.
Hi, Belinda from Cape Town. I work as a Mindfulness based Coach. I am deeply grateful for Mindfulness practice in my own life & that I get to share the practice with others. My intention for the week amongst the hustle and bustle of life and a challenging situation at is to deepen the capacity to pause, notice with equanimity and non-judgement and come back to the breath. Lovely to share the space with everyone.
Hi, my name is Maya. My intention this week is to deeply listen whatever comes to me.
Greetings from Sedona. I am Marilyn. My mindfulness meditations intent is to bring me back to the inner awareness of the Divine Being that I really am. I hope to grow and deepen my practice toward deep love.
Hi, I´m from a Little town in the centre of Argentina. My intention is to learn live in a mindful way , being aware and grateful of the worthy life around.
Hello. My name is Karen & I am from the Bay Area.
My intentions for this week are to pay more attention & to strengthen my meditation practice & recognize it more in daily life. I have a chronic illness that I
struggle with daily that takes a toll on my resilience
and quality of life. I am hoping to improve both during this time. My thanks for this opportunity.
Hello – I am from Shoreham by Sea and my intention is to allow my heart to open and welcome in whatever emerges…love and light to all Leatham
My name is Cheryl, I live in Ontario, Canada. My intention this week is to learn to tune inward with less aversion to fear and judgement.
My name is Heather and I am in Nova Scotia , Canada . My intention is to shut up and listen to other people ! Use the collective wisdom of this week and learn to deeply listen to other’s words and underneath the words .
Hi – I’m Amy from Palo Alto, California. My intention is to strengthen my mindfulness practice and ground myself more in myself as opposed to looking for external validation.
Hi – I’m from Porto Alegre, Brazil. My intention is to open my heart to expand my life beyond fear… I feel really stuck now and I’d like to experience trust and open heart to deal with life, people and my self. Thank’s for the opportunity!
Hi, I’m Joyce from Thornton, CO. My intention is to begin a mindfulness practice and open my heart.
My intention is to just be.
Hi. My name is Juan and I’m from Los Angeles, CA.
I’m looking to learn about meditation practices so that I can improve my focus in my life on the things that matter most.
My name is Kathleen. I live on Cape Cod a beautiful peninsula on the east coast of the US.
I intend to
1. Create space for myself
2. Open myself to new learnings/experiences.
Serious Question Why so many women and so few men in this chain of responses?
My Name is Elena, from Spain. My intention is meditating with a large community around the world, creating a network of conciousness.
Thank for his opportunity to practice mindfulness specially during this very challenging times of my life at all levels. More power to the organizers.
Hi, my name is Maria, I’m half Swiss half Spaniard…and now my heart is in New Jersey with my husband where I live and I work. My intention is to keep on paying attention and caring for Mother Nature which includes everything. It is great to feel supported by great teachers and all of you.
Hello, my name is Donna. My intention is to cultivate beginner’s mind. I have been practicing mindfulness meditation for 5 years and I notice a deepening awareness of everything including patterns of thought that lead me to think I know (fill in the blank). May I be open and present to life as it is.
Hi, I’m from Oregon and my intention is to renew the regularity of my practice, because it makes a real difference in how I am in the world and in how I experience life.
HI, MY name is Marina from Seattle, Wa. and my intention is to continue living a mindful life as I approach my senior years and hope to inspire others with compassion.
My intention for the week is to practice the very basic “Pay Attention”. From my meditation practice, I know that much of my life consists of an internal commentary that distracts and blinds me to what is happening here and now. I’m hoping to pay more attention to others when they speak and really hear what they are saying.